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Lost Mills & Ghost Mansions

Welcome to the Lost Mills and Ghost Mansions Learning ZonePhotograph: UNSPUN by Tim Smith Northern Broadside did theatre productions in the derelict parts of the mill. When I was in there, I was thinking, ‘I wonder if this is the room where my grandad...


Archive Queen's Coronation 1953 at Walk Mill, from Daughter Eileen Mellor The Archive of Lost Mills & Ghost Mansions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Harold Heppleston and...

Ghost Mansions Case Studies

Ghost Mansions Case Studies           Photo: Bradford Museums and Galleries Cliffe Castle, Keighley, view from the Flower Garden with Signor Eugster de la Deheza, Ricardo Vines and Henry Isaac Butterfield (seated) c. 1890 ; I know that Robert...

Do It Yourself

Oral History: Do It Yourself!  Sangat Centre at Bradford Industrial Museum Photography by Alan Dix I think what people should do is show an interest in local history because one day (and I hope this never happens) there won’t be people like you, and there won’t...